Residency by WhiteFeather Hunter | May 28th to June 14th

PT// Durante a sua residência de escrita, WhiteFeather continuará a desenvolver contextos filosóficos em torno do seu projeto, The Witch in the Lab Coat, apresentado na exposição Matter of Flux. Os seus desenvolvimentos de escrita na Cultivamos Cultura serão discutidos durante o seu painel de apresentação no Festival Matter of Flux, a 16 de Junho de 2023.
The Witch in the Lab Coat (desde 2019) é um projecto de investigação-criação e investigação científica de doutoramento que explora a intersecção da bruxaria feminista e da engenharia de tecidos através do desenvolvimento de uma prática laboratorial baseada no corpo e na performance. É um trabalho em curso até meados de 2023, conduzido principalmente no SymbioticA International Centre of Excellence in Biological Art na University of Western Australia. The Witch in the Lab Coat inclui o subprojecto Mooncalf, uma exploração científica e cultural do desenvolvimento do fluido menstrual para utilização em cultura de tecidos, bem como o isolamento de células estaminais multipotentes do sangue menstrual. Esta investigação foi apresentada pela Merck/Sigma-Aldrich para o Dia Internacional das Mulheres e Raparigas na Ciência 2021, como parte da sua série #nextgreatimpossible.

WhiteFeather Hunter estará na Cultivamos Cultura durante o período de duas semanas entre a exposição Matter of Flux e o Festival Matter of Flux, todos a decorrer como parte das actividades do FEMeeting Berlin no Art Laboratory Berlin:

Acompenhe o blog a ser desenvolvido durante a residencia:

EN// During her writing retreat, WhiteFeather will continue to develop philosophical contexts around her project, The Witch in the Lab Coat, featured in the Matter of Flux exhibition. Her writing developments at Cultivamos Cultura will be discussed during her panel presentation at the Matter of Flux Festival on June 16, 2023.
WhiteFeather’s project, The Witch in the Lab Coat (since 2019) is a PhD research-creation and scientific research project that explores the intersection of feminist witchcraft and tissue engineering through the development of a body- and performance-based laboratory practice. It is a work in progress until mid-2023, mainly conducted at SymbioticA International Centre of Excellence in Biological Art at the University of Western Australia. The Witch in the Lab Coat includes the sub-project, Mooncalf, a scientific and cultural exploration of the development of menstrual fluid for use in tissue culture, as well as multipotent stem cell isolation from menstrual blood. This research was featured by Merck/ Sigma-Aldrich for International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021, as part of their #nextgreatimpossible series.

WhiteFeather Hunter will be at Cultivamos Cultura during the two-week period between the Matter of Flux exhibition and the Matter of Flux Festival, all taking place as part of the FEMeeting Berlin activities at Art Laboratory Berlin:

Follow the blog to be developed during the residency:


WhiteFeather Hunter é uma artista e académica canadiana galardoada com vários prémios, com um mestrado em Fibras e Práticas Materiais pela Universidade de Concordia. É candidata a um doutoramento em Artes Biológicas na Universidade da Austrália Ocidental, financiado pelo Conselho de Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas do Canadá, pelo Governo australiano, pela Universidade da Austrália Ocidental, pela Graduate Women WA e pelos Friends of the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic. Antes de iniciar o doutoramento, WhiteFeather foi membro fundador, técnica e investigadora principal do Speculative Life BioLab no Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology na Concordia University (Montreal) de 2016-2019. A sua prática artística biotecnológica cruza o tecnofeminismo, witchcraft, a micro e a biologia celular com a performance, os novos media e o artesanato. Apresentações recentes incluem Ars Electronica, Art Laboratory Berlin, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Royal College of Art London, Innovation Centre Iceland, Museum of Witchcraft and Magic in Cornwall, e numerosas instituições norte-americanas.

WhiteFeather Hunter is a multiple award-winning Canadian artist and scholar, holding an MFA in Fibres and Material Practices from Concordia University. She is a PhD candidate in Biological Arts at the University of Western Australia, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Australian Government, the University of Western Australia, Graduate Women WA, and Friends of the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic. Before commencing a PhD, WhiteFeather was a founding member, technician and Principal Investigator of the Speculative Life BioLab at the Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology at Concordia University (Montreal) from 2016-2019. Her biotechnological art practice intersects technofeminism, witchcraft, micro and cellular biology with performance, new media, and craft. Recent presentations include at Ars Electronica, Art Laboratory Berlin, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Royal College of Art London, Innovation Centre Iceland, the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic in Cornwall, and numerous North American institutions.

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