Art and biology at Cultivamos Cultura

Micro-documentaries and a Q&A live session related to the possibilities of laboratory and fieldwork in art and biology at Cultivamos Cultura. The micro-docs show the biodiversity and ecology around Cultivamos Cultura, and how those aspects can be integrated into artworks.

The Summer School includes microbiology experiments, manipulation of DNA, sea urchin in vitro fertilization, amongst other experimental activities and the opportunities they create for the development of artworks intersecting art, biology, and ecology. These activities are led by invited experts in the arts, science, and humanities.

Videos available online during the festival. Between 9.9 and 13.9 , 00.00 to 23.59 CET.

Live Q&A with Marta de Menezes (artist) and Luis Graça (scientist) will be on the 12.9, between the 12.00 and 13.00 CET