Residency Adam Zaretsky | December 15th to April 15th

PT// Durante a minha residência na Cultivamos Cultura, passei o meu tempo de diversas formas, muito variadas. Como de costume, trabalhei na minha escrita criativa para publicações, fiz apresentações um pouco por todo o lado, desenvolvi novos laboratórios e participei em alguns laboratórios de bioarte online. Houve várias exposições, quase sempre em torno do FACTT 20|21.

Também passei muito tempo com o meu filho: aulas em casa sobre hidroponia, estratégias de investimento em criptomoedas, escultura em barro, pintura, desenho e começamos a aprender português. Fizemos comida maravilhosa. Surfamos e visitamos megalíticos. Era mesmo o que precisávamos durante estes tempos críticos de restrições e isolamento.

O principal foco da minha residência foi investigar e desenvolver um projeto chamado Mind THGAP – Software aberto de ArtHacking o genoma humano. Esta série de laboratórios e palestras são alojados pela Hackteria – Zentrum für Experimentelle Transdisziplinarität (Centro para a Transdisciplinaridade Experimental), Bitwäscherei, Laboratório de Ciência Aberto. Eu, o Cristian Delgado e o Marc Dusseiller estamos a criar um call para colaboradores para o Congresso Mundial de Novas Tecnologias Reprodutivas e Arte. A partir do Hackteria Research Node: ReproTech & Art / Germline Hacks and Designer Babies estamos a criar o Transgenic Human Genome Alternatives Project (THGAP) – Projeto das Alternativas Transgénicas do Genoma Humano e as sessões de desenvolvimento do Creative Germline Constructs Bank (CGCB) – Banco de Construções Germinativas Criativas.

Eu quero agradecer à Cultivamos Cultura pelo apoio contínuo no desenvolvimento deste enredo fabuloso, que brevemente tornará publicas questões relacionadas com a edição critica do genoma humano e as suas consequências estéticas no futuro da anatomia humana.

Aqui ficam os dois capítulos de livros que terminei durante a minha residência:
Human Germline gene editing is bioart: uma carta aberta para a Lulu e Nana, The Routledge Handbook of Art, Science & Amp; Technology Studies, Chapter 27, editados por Hannah Star Rogers, Megan K.Halpern, Dehlia Hannah e Kathryn de Ridder-Vignone, em fase de preparação para publicação este ano!

Anatomical BiTransversal Symmetry Axiswerks: Inter-Orificial Economics of Evolutionary Body Plan Development, The Art of the Absurd, ed. Charlotte Kent and Katherine Guinness (em revisão). Uma das minhas novas pinturas vai estar no libro como uma imagem figurative, uma re-leitura radical de: Pattern Distribution of Mechanosensory Skin Denticle Specializations in Blind Cave Fish.

Esta é uma lista dos Clean Rites Labs que criei para ensino à distância durante a minha residência:

Aseptic Creative Lab – Pressure Cooker Lab
Clean Pure Culture Rites_ Aseptic Creative Lab – Clean Rooms and Sterile Hoods Lab
Clean Personal Protective Rites: Aseptic Creative Lab – PPE Wearable Vacuum Lab
Clean Interpersonal Protective Rites: Aseptic Creative Lab – IPE Wearable Vacuums Lab
Clean Chef Feast: Designing the Aseptic Bioart Café, Inedible/Edible Optional Lab

ENG// While at Cultivamos Cultura I spent my time in truly varied ways. As is customary, I worked on creative writings for publication, gave presentations globally, developed new labs and held online bioart labs. There were several exhibitions as well mostly revolving around FACTT 20|21. Also, I spent a lot of time with my son, home schooling on hydroponics, cryptocurrency investment strategy, sculpting in clay, painting, drawing and starting to learn Portuguese. We made some fabulous food. We went surfing and visited megaliths. It was what was needed during this critical time of constraint and isolation.

My major focus of my residency was research and development for a project called: Mind THGAP – Open-Source ArtHacking the Human Germline. This series of labs and lectures are hosted by Hackteria – Zentrum für Experimentelle Transdisziplinarität (Center for Experimental Transdisciplinariy), Bitwäscherei, Open Science Lab. Cristian Delgado, Marc Dusseiller and I are putting out a call for collaborators for the World Congress on New Reproductive Technology Arts. From Hackteria Research Node: ReproTech & Art / Germline Hacks and Designer Babies we are planning the Transgenic Human Genome Alternatives Project (THGAP), including constructing a Generic Open-Source Plasmid for Human Arts (GOSPHA) and holding Creative Germline Constructs Bank (CGCB) development sessions.

I want to thank Cultivamos Cultura for continued support in the development of such fabulous novel approaches towards a public understanding of issues surrounding critical germline genetic editing and the effect of aesthetics on the future of human anatomy.

Here are the names of the two chapters for books that I completed during the residency:
Human germline gene editing is bioart: an open letter to Lulu and Nana, The Routledge Handbook of Art, Science & Technology Studies, Chapter 27, Edited by Hannah Star Rogers, Megan K. Halpern, Dehlia Hannah and Kathryn de Ridder-Vignone, in the pipeline for publication this year!

Anatomical BiTransversal Symmetry Axiswerks: Inter-Orificial Economics of Evolutionary Body Plan Development, The Art of the Absurd, ed. Charlotte Kent and Katherine Guinness (in review). One of my paintings will be in the book as a figure image, a radical rereading of: Pattern Distribution of Mechanosensory Skin Denticle Specializations in Blind Cave Fish.

This is a list of the Clean Rites Labs I developed for remote teaching during my residency:
Aseptic Creative Lab – Pressure Cooker Lab
Clean Pure Culture Rites_ Aseptic Creative Lab – Clean Rooms and Sterile Hoods Lab
Clean Personal Protective Rites: Aseptic Creative Lab – PPE Wearable Vacuum Lab
Clean Interpersonal Protective Rites: Aseptic Creative Lab – IPE Wearable Vacuums Lab
Clean Chef Feast: Designing the Aseptic Bioart Café, Inedible/Edible Optional Lab

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